EVENT: New Work & Talent Conference 19/6

On June 19, the TMI will host its next event, a full-day conference on new work & talent. Topics covered will be “New ways of working, new challenges (digitalization, big data, agility, globalization, demography, diversity and generational issues), new forms of organizations, new skills required – what/who is future talent?

During the day, there will be impulses, research insights and best practices cases from big MNEs and smaller start-ups, finishing off with a plenary discussion on the future of work and plenty of time to network and connect.

Speakers & Topics:

The price for the full event is 69€ (early bird until April 19), 99€ normal price including drinks/food

To visit the full invitation and register for the event, please click HERE.

Dr. Lynn Schäfer, Head of Talent Management Institute
+49 – (0)30 32007-168 | lschaefer@escpeurope.eu
